Rediscover you

Imagine having a sense of boundlessness, following your highest excitement. A feeling that anything is infinitely possible and, most importantly, you deserve it. The first step, is to find out what makes you, you. The next step is to gently weave this knowledge into your world so that you come away from it truly knowing that you deserve this juicy cherry on the cake.

Our elemental immersions are experiences designed to find your inner wild by working closely with nature and practicing mindfulness. Each experience is carefully considered, drawing upon your personal needs and desires. Working 1:1 or as a small group of 3-4 people, the packages are a combination of activities and exercises fully engulfed in our enchanting natural surroundings. The duration is dependant upon the packages. The shortest experience is 3 hours.

Where?  The location involves a 30 minute stroll along a coastal path with uninterrupted breathtaking views of the rugged Cornish coastline. There are options to kayak, swim or paddleboard to the location, depending on the individual and sea conditions.

How? Guided mindful exercises include: snorkelling or swimming in and around the stunning turquoise pools, cold water meditation, or simply wading in the shallow water with the sand between your toes. Land-based practices include grounding breath-work or peacefully resting amongst the mystical caves and rockpools. Due to enjoying a diverse rich foraging area, this can be included, as well as making a fire and some light cooking.

The important bit! Safety is our priority. You will need to feel able to relax to fully utilise your time there. My role is to hold that space and guide you through your self-exploration, with your welfare at the forefront. You may face personal challenges, perceived limitations and mini breakthroughs. We will move through these together. The sessions run throughout the seasons. I’ll refer to my previous chapter when I say “there is no poor weather, only poor kit”. Each season offers fresh outlooks and benefits.

Once the session ends, you will have many tools on how to bring these practices into your day-to-day life. That, and the unselfconscious feeling of connecting with your inner wild,  awakened within you.

Allow yourself the space and time to pause and remember who you are

Whilst being present to the stoic earth, the shape-shifting sea, the nurturing sun and the powerful air we breath, you will feel a wholeness we have all forgotten at times.  Our approach encourages a lightness and fun to bring out your innate self. We are in nature’s playground, after all.


Bespoke experiences, starting from £95, designed with the individual in mind. Concession rates available.

1:1 and small groups - pricing will differ.

Please enquire about your unique package using our contact form, email or telephone.

Elemental Immersion